Car Dealers Automobile dealers are the bridge between automobile manufacturers and consumers. Car dealers are primarily engaged in retailing new cars, sport utility vehicles, passenger cars and cargo vans. New car dealers employ 9 out of 10 workers in the automobile industry. Along with vehicle sales, car dealers provide and perform other activities such as repair services, selling used cars and selling replacement parts and accessories. Large dealers are a one-stop shop for customers who wish to buy, finance, and service their vehicle. Used car dealers specialize in used vehicle sales and account for 1 out of 10 jobs in the industry. Sales of new cars, trucks, and vans tend to depend upon changing consumer tastes and the price of fuel. The popularity of the manufacturer’s vehicle model and the intensity of competition with other dealers play a vital role in the sale of a car. Consumers are also highly sensitive to the cost of financing. Automotive dealers are more likely ...
Golf Cars - 1001 Uses, With Imagination Golf Carts, Club cars, Golf Buggies - all the same thing - have come a long way from the golf course, although they can still be found there, too. Golf Carts were originally designed to ferry golfers and their equipment from the end of one hole on the course to the start of the next, and back to the clubhouse. Whatever happened to golf as exercise? You will now see golf carts in all kinds of places far removed from the golf course. Golf Cars are used on university campuses and to ferry presidents around. Their other uses are only just beginning to be explored. They are used in large warehouses and factories to move around quickly, without the noise and pollution that a conventional vehicle would cause. In many ways these compact vehicles represent a ready-made alternative to the gas-engined automobile, except they are small and go slowly. Around town they are perfect for carrying the kids to s...